Searching for “commercial interior painters near me” for your home? When it comes to a long lasting, quality paint job, it is important that a little extra time and care is taken to prepare your walls. After all, a great base is the first step to a perfect finish. If you thought that the job of a house painter is to simply slap some paint on the walls, our team of interior house painters in Surrey has put together a list of some of the things we do to get your walls ready before we start painting.
Prepare the room(s):
Before our interior house painters in Surrey begin any paint job, they will properly prepare the area you are planning to get painted. They start by helping to take down paintings, pictures, and other decorations from the walls. Also, painting professionals clear out as much furniture from the room as possible, as well as remove electrical faceplates and picture nails. To protect them during the painting process, your Surrey home painters will place a plastic covering over your items and floor.
Repair any damage:
Once the painters have taken down and removed your items, it is time to repair any damage to the drywall. They will look for holes, cracks, and nicks or other imperfections and fill the damaged areas using spackling paste and a putty knife. After the plaster has dried, our team will sand the area to smooth out the spackled surface.
Remove old paint:
Do you have any cracked or flaking paint on your walls? Our interior house painters in Surrey will get rid of old, damaged paint before they begin the painting process. After they have removed the chips and flakes, our team will smooth the surface with some sandpaper or an electric sander.
Clean the walls:
Before your new paint job, your walls will need to be thoroughly cleaned. To do this, skilled painters use a vacuum cleaner or a towel to remove the dust, then wash your walls using a sponge and water. For oily or grimy surfaces, our painting specialists clean the areas with a solution of water and grease-cutting detergent. When they are done, they will wipe down the walls with a damp cloth.
There you have it! Do you want to ensure your paint job is a success? From repairing damage and sanding to cleaning surfaces, a prepared project is an absolute must.
Are you looking for interior house painters in Surrey? Jerry’s Commercial Painting has you covered. Our team of experienced and reliable painters will not only deliver exceptional interior painting, but also gladly take the prep duties off your shoulders. For preparation and paint jobs done right, Jerry’s is your first choice in Surrey.
Searching for professional commercial interior painters near me? Look no further than Jerry’s Commercial Painting.